Hi, welcome to my website! My name is Lilyana, but everybody calls me Lily, and my family calls me Denise (my middle name).
The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges and changes to people's lives around the world, and for me, it brought me an opportunity to show the world a little part of my culture.
I was born in Bakersfield, California, but at 2 years of age, my parents decided to move back to Mexico indefinitely. I grew up in a very small town in Jalisco, Mexico. The name of the town is La Ribera, Jalisco. My parents both started businesses when they got back to Mexico, and that's how we grew up with an entrepreneurial mindset.
At 15 years old, my parents gave me the opportunity to come to the U.S. to learn English. I was able to learn English in a short period of less than two years, and after graduating from high school, I went back to Mexico.
I always knew I wanted to have my own business, but I didn't know where to start, so I enrolled in college for a Business major. I was in college for a few years when I realized that college wasn't going to teach me what I really wanted to know, which was how to start a business. So, I dropped out of college and decided to travel instead.
When I was 21, I moved to Las Vegas on my own. I found a job at a casino as a blackjack dealer, where I had a lot of flexibility to travel, which allowed me to visit 12 countries in a year. Traveling had been one of my goals, and I could finally accomplish it. A few years went by, and I knew that it was time to accomplish my other goal: to start my business.
My sister had brought up the idea of selling Mexican pottery. I didn't really know much about it or how we would bring it from Mexico. But when COVID started, I was laid off from my job, which gave me a lot of free time to do research. Once the border opened for travel, I flew to Mexico and started looking for vendors with my mom's help. She was the one who helped me buy the products that she thought would sell, and I arranged everything to be shipped back to me in Vegas.
One of the major things this business has taught me was to learn more and appreciate the Mexican culture. I grew up around all of these products and never knew the process or hard work that it took to make them. And I think sometimes we take things for granted, but starting this business has made me not only learn but also teach other people around the world what Mexico is about and has to offer.
Starting this business was not easy. At first, my idea was to only sell locally and eventually open up a storefront. However, life took me in a different direction. I started selling at a local indoor swap meet where I met a couple who had been selling online, and they encouraged me to do it too. I was very hesitant because all of the items I sell are very fragile, and I had zero experience with packaging. But with a little research and creativity, I was able to start shipping my products all across the country.
Today, my business continues to grow. I have been working on growing my customer base through social media, and I continue to expand my product line to include new types of pottery and other traditional Mexican crafts. I am very proud to be preserving a piece of Mexico's cultural heritage while also contributing to its economic growth.
I know that the COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges, but it has also inspired many people to pursue their passions and find new opportunities. My story is just one testament to the resilience and creativity of people during difficult times. And this business is not only a success story but also a celebration of Mexico's rich cultural heritage.
Thank you very much for visiting my website. I hope that you find products that you love, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
1 comment
Beautiful Congratulations